Summer Picnic

Start Time

1:00 pm

30 July 2022

Finish Time

4:00 pm

30 July 2022


"Under the Bridge"

Minneapolis, MN

Late Summer (all inclusive) Picnic:

Our Summer Picnic, commonly held in late summer is an opportunity for volunteers and homeless participants (and alumni) to bond together over great weather, good food and fun and games and prizes. The picnic is for volunteers AND our homeless friends. We celebrate and eat together.

If you have a gift for games or grilling... this is a great event for you. Please come be involved as you feel led. We start planning the picnic as early as July. It's a lot to do, but always well worth the effort.

Summer Fun Facts 2022

  • Total Participants:37
  • Burgers Eaten:39
  • Brats Eaten:56
  • Prizes Won :24
  • Total Cost of Fun:Priceless

As we work together, this world recognizes our love for Him...